PPP Server Session Test
Pass: | Indicates that the PPP server has established a valid PPP session with your DSL modem. |
Fail: | Indicates that the PPP server cannot establish a valid PPP session your DSL modem. A flashing green PPP light on the modem signifies an attempt to establish a PPP connection. |
If the test fails, follow the troubleshooting procedures listed below and rerun the diagnostics tests by clicking on the Rerun Diagnostic Tests button at the bottom of this page. If all the tests pass, close and restart your Web browser to access the Internet.
Note: If Test Ethernet connection to ATM fails, this test result displays N/A.
- After turning on your DSL modem, wait for at least one minute to establish a connection. Run the diagnostic tests again by clicking on the Rerun Diagnostic Tests button at the bottom of this page.
- Turn off the power to the DSL modem, wait 10 seconds, and turn it back on. Wait at least one minute for the modem to completely restart and to establish a connection. If the PPP light on the modem turns solid green, close your Web browser and restart it.
- If this is the first time you are setting up your DSL modem, you may need to reconfigure your VPI/VCI settings. Contact ISP Technical Support for assistance.
Contact ISP Technical Support if you have tried all of the above and still are experiencing a fail condition.