
To add a rule, click the Add button.

To remove rules, check their remove-checkboxes, then click the Remove button.

The Enable button will scan through every rules in the table. Rules with enable-checkbox checked will be enabled. Rules with enable-checkbox un-checked will be disabled.

The enable-checkbox also shows status of the rule after page reload.

If you disable WMM function in Wireless Page, classification related to wireless will not take effects

Class Name Enable Interface Order Action

Add Network Traffic Class Rule

This screen creates a traffic class rule to classify the ingress traffic into a priority queue and optionally mark the DSCP or Ethernet priority of the packet.

Click 'Apply/Save' to save and activate the rule.

Traffic Class Name:
Rule Order:
Rule Status:

Specify Classification Criteria A blank criterion indicates it is not used for classification.

Ingress Interface:
Ether Type:
Source MAC Address:
Source MAC Mask:
Destination MAC Address:
Destination MAC Mask:

Specify Classification Results (A blank value indicates no operation.)

Specify Egress Interface (Required):
Specify Egress Queue (Required):
  • Packets classified into a queue that exit through an interface for which the queue is not specified to exist, will instead egress to the default queue on the interface.
Mark 802.1p priority:
  • Class non-vlan packets egress to a non-vlan interface will be tagged with VID 0 and the class rule p-bits.
  • Class vlan packets egress to a non-vlan interface will have the packet p-bits re-marked by the class rule p-bits. No additional vlan tag is added.
  • Class non-vlan packets egress to a vlan interface will be tagged with the interface VID and the class rule p-bits.
  • Class vlan packets egress to a vlan interface will be additionally tagged with the packet VID, and the class rule p-bits.
Set Rate Limit(kbps): [Kbits/s]