
Your modem is capable of testing your DSL connection. The individual tests are listed below. If a test displays a fail status, click "Test" again to make sure the fail status is consistent. If the test continues to fail, click "Help" and follow the troubleshooting procedures

Test the connection to your local network

Test your eth0 Connection: Pass Help
Test your eth1 Connection: Pass Help
Test your eth2 Connection: Fail Help
Test your eth3 Connection: Fail Help
Test your eth4 Connection: Pass Help
Test your Wireless Connection: Pass Help

Test the connection to your DSL service provider

Test xDSL Synchronization: Pass Help
Test ATM OAM F5 segment ping: Disabled Help
Test ATM OAM F5 end-to-end ping: Disabled Help

Test the connection to your Internet service provider

Test PPP server connection: Pass Help
Test authentication with ISP: Fail Help
Test the assigned IP address: Fail Help
Ping default gateway: Pass Help
Ping primary Domain Name Server: Pass Help

Ethernet OAM

Ethernet Link OAM (802.3ah)

Ethernet Service OAM (802.1ag / Y.1731)

Ping Diagnostic

Please type in a host name or an IP Address. Click Submit to check the connection automatically.

Host Name or Ip Address:

Ping Diagnostic

This page shows the result of user's ping diagnostic test and connection test.

Test results Close

Traceroute Diagnostic

Please type in a host name or an IP Address. Click Submit to trace the route.

Host Name or Ip Address:

Traceroute Diagnostic

This page shows user the route over the network between two systems, listing all the intermediate routers a connection must pass through to get to its destination.

Test results Close

Start/Stop DSL

This page enables you to start or stop your DSL line.

Your DSL connection is up.